
Navigating breastfeeding while you’re sick can feel like a new challenge in an already incredible journey. Just like life, being a breastfeeding mom means navigating through ups and downs, triumphs, and challenges. And when illness strikes, especially during times of family gatherings or flu seasons, questions may arise about breastfeeding safety. Rest assured, if you find yourself under the weather, breastfeeding your baby is perfectly safe.

Will My Baby Get Sick, Too?

Ever heard the term “liquid gold” used to describe breastmilk? It’s not an exaggeration. Your body is constantly reevaluating the needs of your baby. When you’re sick, the antibodies your body creates to help you get better are passed through your milk onto your baby. This helps your baby stay healthy and fight off any infections or illness.

Tips for Keeping Your Baby Healthy

As tempting as it is to shower your little one with kisses and cuddles, try to resist until you’re feeling better. This helps keep germs at bay and reduces the risk of your baby falling ill. If you’re experiencing sneezing and coughing, keep tissues handy and dispose of them immediately. Consider wearing a mask while feeding to prevent inadvertently passing on any illness to your baby. And don’t forget to wash your hands frequently, especially before handling breast pump parts or nursing.

Exclusive Pumping During Illness

Feeling anxious about direct breastfeeding? That’s okay! Exclusive pumping is an alternative. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before pumping and storing breast milk. Pumping regularly, especially during the first 60 days after birth, helps maintain a strong milk supply for your baby to return to breastfeeding once you’re feeling better.

Maintaining Your Supply

Illness may cause fluctuations in your milk production, but once you’re back to full health, your supply should return to normal. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and nourish your body with healthy meals. Keep pumping regularly and breastfeed or pump as frequently as possible. Prioritize self-care, including rest and reducing stress, to support your overall well-being.

Virtual Lactation Visit

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider reaching out to your local International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. They can offer guidance and support tailored to your specific situation, whether you’re dealing with a stomach bug or the flu. With professional assistance, you can create a personalized breastfeeding plan to address your concerns and goals until you’re back to feeling like a superhero!

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